Penal Law
and why you need a Good Lawyer in Bulgaria
Penal law is the legal field that relates to crime. The Bulgarian penal code regulates the social conduct in the country, defines what constitutes an act of crime and the punishments applied. We are assisting at all stages individuals who have been either detained or are prosecuted in Bulgaria. For more information, please visit our specialized page – Criminal Law defense.
- Scammers and Bulgarian citizenship by origin
- Foreign crime in Bulgaria
- Criminal responsibility for undeclared insolvency
Legal Assistance in Case of Detention by the Police Authorities in Bulgaria
Police detention in a foreign country is a real nightmare and an experience nobody wants to endure. Unfortunately, it happens all the time, everywhere, and Bulgaria is not an exception. Many things can go wrong and lead to police arrest and even prosecution; traffic accidents, non-declaring of funds at border checks, domestic incidents, just to name a few. These examples are probably the most “innocent” and most frequent events that force many foreign nationals to defend themselves in the Bulgarian courts after they are released (eventually) from police custody.
If being detained, the person is often under enormous stress and his actions are not always logical or correct from a legal point of view. There are many cases when the developments during the first hours of the detention have played such an important role in the latter court hearings, that all further efforts by the defense have been completely undermined. Therefore it is of utmost importance that the detained person asks for immediate legal assistance and representation. It is also extremely important that the person is released from custody as soon as possible, which can be ensured best by means of professional legal representation. Early release from the police quarter will guarantee the defendant better possibilities to build an optimal defense strategy and will relief him from the stress of being under custody in abnormal conditions.
Our solicitors are well prepared to react swiftly in similar extreme situations. Irrespectively of the time of the day and the location of the police department where the person is detained, we will provide a professional criminal solicitor who will act in emergency and will ensure that the best legal solution is applied. Our solicitor will fully support the client and will ensure that he is released from custody as soon as possible. We believe this emergency service is absolutely essential for everybody in similar, unfortunate situation and we are confident that our services can be invaluable.
Legal Defense and Representation in Court in Criminal Lawsuits
In recent years the penal lawsuits in Bulgaria have multiplied. This phenomenon is caused mainly by the serious determination of the authorities to fight corruption and organized crime, but even more importantly by the legislative amendments to the Bulgarian penal code, which expanded dramatically the scope of incriminated offences. Previously, perfectly legal actions, such as dealings between affiliates with the purpose of optimizing taxes, constitute now punishable crime. Similarly, administrative violations, such as non payment of social security contributions, were recently criminalized as well and are now being punished by serious jail terms. Opposed to that, amendments that decriminalize certain actions, such as the recent narrowing of the scope of currency offenses, are passing the Parliament very rare. In line with that, the amount of enquiries that we are now receiving to defend private individuals in criminal cases, have increased steadily during the recent years.
Professional legal representation in criminal lawsuits is probably the most important and essential kind of assistance, as the most important human value for the defendant – its freedom, is at stake. The defendant is facing the whole might and power of the state legal machine and it is only up to him and his legal representative to defend his innocence (not to be confused with the “presumption of innocence” or “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat“). We believe we are in position to provide the best legal defense against criminal incriminations in Bulgaria. We are closely monitoring the legal developments and the laws that are being passed by the Parliament and are constantly keeping up to date with the particularities of the Bulgarian legal system.
Appealing Decisions of the Bulgarian Penal Court
Sometimes things may have gone the wrong way from the very beginning and the client has been already found guilty in a lower court trial. If this is the case, there is no need to panic. Though a court sentence may sound really discouraging, in many cases the final outcome of the trial can be either completely revised on higher court instance or at least the sentence can be seriously softened. We believe the law should be fair and we defend our customer to the maximum extend of law. Fortunately, there are enough options to appeal court judgments in Bulgaria. We never advice changing legal representative between court hearings or before appealing at higher court and strongly believe such an action should be taken only as a last resort. There are cases however when such act is vital for the successful outcome of the legal case. When the stakes for the defendant are so high and at risk, all options should be considered in some cases.
Our specialists are able to assist clients who have found themselves in similar unfortunate situation. Sometimes, there is no need to change their current legal representative, but appoint us to support our colleagues and in many cases, simply better understand the client’s position and find a more suitable defense strategy for the appeal, which can stand in court.